Thursday, January 30, 2020

Interest groups Essay Example for Free

Interest groups Essay Interest groups are particular groups of individuals, which lobby for a specific interest in advancing their own field or discipline. In essence, these groups can be categorized as advocacy groups because they are created with a particular goal. They are advocating only for the betterment of their interest, and sometimes coordinate and form linkages with other institutions to further advance their advocacy. In other jargons, these groups are called pressure groups because of their attempt to influence or manipulate public policy for their own favor. They do it through lobbying in the congress, and sometimes even to the extent of creating party lists who go into the parliament. Each and every one of the pressure groups shares an ambition to impinge on government policy to do well to themselves or their foundations. It possibly will be a policy that absolutely benefits faction members or one sector of society or a policy that progress a broader communal reason. Interest groups are an ordinary consequence of the communities of welfare. The sector that is advanced by interest groups can be farmers for land tenure or industrialization. On the other hand, the wider society can be advanced by interest through the need of better air quality. Furthermore, the theory on political systems includes the essential role public interest groups do in influencing polity and the economy. In addition, public interest groups influence even the heads of the states. In the changes on 20th century politics, the presidency is affected by interest groups in the manner that if the president does not support a certain advocacy, he will be threatened not to get any support. In the recently concluded Philippine elections, the interest groups advancing the Reproductive Health Bill greatly dictate the choice of the people. The candidates for the presidency have been widely scrutinized based on their views about reproductive health. In the end, the candidate who impressed the sector advocating the Reproductive Health Bill, including the church, emerged victorious. Other than the propaganda work performed by interest groups, they also play an important role in political elections because of their influence on the civil society. The public opinion expressed by public interest groups dictate the characteristics of the political candidates and those who conform accordingly get the most support from these groups, which is, in fact, one of the glorious features of plurality and democracy. If the choices made turned out wrong, there is always the opportunity to rectify it by voting again in the next election and listening to other advocacies by public interest groups. In terms of the economy, economic interest groups are omnipresent and the most well-known in every country. There are accurately several of them with bureaus in state capitals from Manila to Lima to Bandar Seri Begawan to the United States of America. There are more than a few diverse types of economic interests: â€Å"business groups like the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, the Confederation of British Industry, and the Nestle Corporation (Brittanica Encyclopedia, 2010). † Interest groups cannot do away with the society. Whatever their advocacies are, even how politicized it may seem, the masses is the primary stakeholder. They are under the cycle controlled by the political economic sphere. The dynamism of politics includes public interest groups in it. REFERENCES Contreras, A. P. (2002). Locating the political in the ecological: Globalization, state-civil society articulations, and environmental governance in the Philippines. Quezon City: De La Salle University Printing Press. interest group. Encyclop? dia Britannica. 2010. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. 19 May. 2010 http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/290136/interest-group. Marsh, D. Stoker, G. (1999). Theory and methods in political science. College of Forestry and Natural Resources: Department of Social Forestry and Forest Governance reading room. Pulhin, J. M. Peras, R. J. J. (2009). [SFFG 125: Part 2. Lecture]. University of the Philippines Los Banos. Todaro, M. P. (1989). Economic development in the third world. (4th ed. ). New York: Pitman publishing Inc.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Trumans Domestic Policy :: American America History

Truman's Domestic Policy Despite strong opposition from a Republican congress, Truman attempted to extend Roosevelt's New Deal policies by strengthening social security, conservation, implementing rent controls, and providing housing to low-income families. At times, however, Truman was inconsistent with his own party's beliefs and the ideal of the New Deal in order to suit the immediate situation and retain public support. Furthermore, Truman supported civil rights actions and for the first time, increased the political status of African American citizens. Truman's various other reforms were much like the proposals of Roosevelt, but the mood of the nation due to its affluence and that of Congress opposed his efforts and the changing times proved that Truman's Fair Deal was not as necessary as FDR's New Deal. Truman's organized policy to elaborate on the New Deal was termed the Fair Deal and aimed to improve social conditions like Roosevelt's plan had done previously. His immediate goals were full employment and an improved economy, as well as to provide for the common good. The Fair Labor Standards Act increased the minimum wage from 40 cents to 75 cents and the Social Security Act increased benefits to the elderly by 77.5%. Also, to the advantage of those who lived in rented homes and apartments, Truman lengthened rent controls to March 1951, and in addition, the Housing Act vowed to eliminate slums and established 810,000 low-income houses, thus providing a good amount of citizens with affordable housing. The president also implemented the Employment Act in 1946 to help stabilize the postwar economy. The act created a three member council of economic advisors and a joint committee to study and propose stabilization measures. Moreover, Truman attempted to establish a Missouri Valley Aut hority while extending the power of the Tennessee Valley authority, but was unsuccessful. However, the president did obtain increases in hydroelectric, water control, and irrigation projects in the west. Like Roosevelt, Truman was concerned about the welfare of farmers and encouraged the Brennan Plan to maintain farm income standards through price supports, loans, and storage of nonperishable commodities. Although the plan failed , the Agriculture Act of October, 1949 continued price supports at 90% parity through 1950 and then at 75-90% afterwards. This act was consistent with New Deal farm policy. Truman made other New Dealish attempts, like National Health Insurance and federal aid to education, but both were defeated with the help of protests by interest groups, namely the American Medical Association and the Roman Catholic Church.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Organization Culture of Harley Davidson Essay

Harley Davidson has a strong organizational culture. The organization transformed its business strategy and aligned its organization strategy to meet the challenges it faced from low cost and fuel efficient Japanese competitors in the late 1970’s. However, the introduction of an online biker community could require certain changes in the organization culture. These changes discussed below will not be radical in nature and would only further strengthen the culture that exists at Harley Davidson and the contribution the culture makes to make the brand a cult. Aspirers and owners perceive Harley Davidson to possess a brand persona that liberates, excites and gives them a sense of identity while still being part of a large family. To strengthen this positioning the organization should continue to focus on its endeavor to make it a gender neutral organization and continue to provide women a succession path in the organizational hierarchy. The organization needs to work a bit harder in achieving an ethnically diverse mix of employees. This is as necessary as the focus on diverse mix of employees coupled with the current organizational encouragement towards ideation would help make the online community a success. The diverse mix of employees will bring together the behavioral understanding required to motivate people to join the community and ensure sustained participation in the community. As even though the initial membership can be offered free with the purchase of an Harley Davidson, subsequent years would require the community member to be motivated enough to go for a paid subscription. The organizations current emphasis on learning should incorporate sharing of ‘learning’s’ that employees have across diverse geographical markets and with a diverse demographic customer base. This would help foster a greater understanding of the needs and wants of an online community and package offerings that would help subscribers gain the maximum. There are a lot of cross functional teams and specialized teams within the organization. This could be a challenge as well as an opportunity. The organizational culture should imbibe a sense of participation amongst various teams to promote the online community. All teams involved including the sales function, brand promotion, technical teams and others need to feel that the selling the online concept is part of the overall organizational strategy. Also all teams/roles have to ensure that operational and strategic support is provided towards this goal. However the entire premise of the online community is the values that the brand seemingly upholds. The organization culture should be continuously strengthened around the ethos of freedom of expression and being part of a larger community to make the online endeavor a success.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Macroeconomic Objectives And Economic Growth - 1371 Words

macroeconomic objectives simultaneously? In answering the above question the author has considered the four macroeconomic objectives and these are: 1) Economic Growth Economic growth is the increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services, compared from one period of time to another. Economic growth can be measured in nominal terms, which includes inflation, or in real terms, which are adjusted for inflation. (Investopedia n.d) 2) Lower unemployment Lower unemployment means that any government fiscal body has increased revenue (more people paying taxes) combined with reduced expenditure (reduction in benefits claimants).Lowering unemployment becomes difficult when balanced against innovation and improved technology†¦show more content†¦( 2014) 4) Avoiding balance of payment deficit The balance of payments is effectively the difference between the funds received by a country through exports and those paid by the same country for all international transactions. These international transactions include a) The exchange of merchandise (export and import of products) which is the balance of merchandise trade. b) The exchange of services, c) Any gifts or transfer payments that do not involve the exchange of goods and services d) The purchase of physical or financial capital assets The diagram show a circular flow of activity in the economy (Anosweb.encyclonomic n.d) How are these objectives related? All four elements noted above, i.e. economic growth, lower unemployment, lower inflation and avoiding balance of payment deficit are considered to be the sub sections to government fiscal and monetary policy, otherwise known as stabilising of the economy (e.g. full employment, control of inflation and equitable balance of payments) is one of the goals that government tend to achieve through manipulation of fiscal and monetary policies. Fiscal Policy relates to taxes and expenditures, monetary policy through financial markets and supply of credit, money and other financial assets. When these factors noted above are in place, it may encourage economic growth. ( n.d.) Increased employment will enviably mean that unemployed people with fewer skills will either train to skill